Newsletter #39 - July 2024

J.M. + J.T.

Dear friends in our Auxiliary family,

“How do I love thee / let me count the ways” wrote Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and in this month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we turn this quote towards all of you, dear friends, to declare our gratitude and love for you. It fits, except that we would have to invent some new numbers, for there aren’t numbers enough to convey our real feelings! June is the month of love, of weddings and ordinations to the priesthood, and so we naturally think of you, the Auxiliary members.

The most stunning news during this time since our last newsletter is the incredible success of the fundraising Dinner held at St. Clare’s. Your support of our community is truly unbelievable! Thank you for your faithfulness to us.

We have been in conversations with four young women about joining our community. One is here right now, trying out the life for two months. Another will arrive in July for the same reason. This means that your support is helping us discern with more women and hopefully receive more members, God willing. We’ll keep you informed! It’s exciting to have some new vocational “nibbles”!

Our cherries are ripening, our chard is sprouting, all things green are bursting forth and turning to gold. Our back deck needs repair and another filter is due for our extra well, but we can handle all these routine repairs thanks to your monthly support. We aren’t complaining! Surely you all have your repairs and maintenance crises from time to time! They remind us that God is in charge, and His providence never leaves us high and dry.

May He hold you in the palms of His hands. May He hear your prayers (and ours fo you!) and may your summers be safe and refreshing. We have a Mass offered for you once amonth, and we remember you in our daily prayers. God bless you, and be well!

Mother Mary Bethany & Sisters

Auxiliary News

Dear Members and friends,

Carmelite Fundraiser Dinner 2024 at St. Clare’s Catholic Church in the Morris Center

This letter is long overdue. My only excuse is that I have been sick since April. Mea Culpa!

Our Dinner Fundraiser for the Sisters proved to be a huge success, with God’s help and all His angels too. We raised over $28,000.00 for the Sisters, including donations sent due to our advertising campaign of visiting local parishes. Between money taken in at the Dinner, and money sent directly to the Sisters, as well as money donated online which was also sent, we were able to send them almost $9,000.00 more than last year. The bottom line is that Dinners raise more money than lunches.

I realize that dinners make it more difficult for someone our more senior members to attend. Perhaps an afternoon Tea in the Fall would be a fun event for those who cannot do a dinner. I am working on an idea for that.

It has also been suggested that we hold another Prayer on the Mountain again, where all are invited up to the Monastery for a day of reflection and social interaction in the St. John Villa.This was a popular event for those who could make the journey. I would like to hear from you on any of these ideas.

Our Dinner Date for 2025 is set for the Saturday before Mother’s Day, and the theme will be The Motherhood of Mary. The evening will be dedicated to Mary, our Mother. Please mark your calendars for May 10. The Dinner will again be at St. Clare in Roseville.

May I take this opportunity to sincerely thank our hard-working Auxiliary Board, as well as all the members who stepped up to help at this year’s dinner? If you see any of them around town, be sure to pat them on the back.

Treasurer, Eileen Fox. Secretary, Joanne Banducci. Members: Henry Luckie, David Fox, Bill Quiroz, Alma Cortez, Marykate Kauffman, Toni Collins, Brenda McCollum, Dori Hoffman, Barbara Sloan.

Thanks to John Taylor for being the MC; to all the members who worked in the kitchen and on the floor bussing tables and selling wine. I’ve sent you the thank you notes, but you are SO appreciated!

Please contact me if you have any suggestions for the Dinner, for fundraising, for doing things better. We are very open to suggestions! Thank you sincerely for your ongoing support and prayers for the Sisters. As we enter into fire season, remember to pray for them daily that they are protected from fire! God bless you and reward to for all your efforts.

In Christ,

Patty MacEgan

Patricia MacEgan